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Treatment Programs and Providers

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Our Treatment Programs & Providers listing is comprised of organizations that offer a recovery program with a similar foundation as that of SMART Recovery. The listing can be viewed by anyone browsing our website, and it’s the first place we direct callers who are searching for inpatient or outpatient facilities offering a treatment program that incorporates the scientific methods of SMART Recovery.

You may complete a registration form if you can certify that:

1) You or at least one member of your staff has completed the SMART Recovery distance or on-site training.

2) You/your organization provides an addictive behavior program track that is broadly based on the scientific findings of which SMART Recovery is also based.

3) You/your organization desires to provide an educational component for your patients/clients, and prepare them for SMART Recovery meetings.

4) Any SMART Recovery publications distributed to your clients will be purchased from SMART Recovery.

5) You/your organization grants permission to publish your name/organization on the list of treatment programs registered with SMART Recovery.

Our Treatment Programs & Providers listing is being replaced by a new and enhanced SMART Partners program. More information will be posted here soon. Thank you for your interest!